

Determine if a word or phrase is an isogram.

An isogram (also known as a "nonpattern word") is a word or phrase without a repeating letter, however spaces and hyphens are allowed to appear multiple times.

Examples of isograms:

  • lumberjacks

  • background

  • downstream

  • six-year-old

The word isograms, however, is not an isogram, because the s repeats.

Running the tests

To run the tests run the command go test from within the exercise directory.

If the test suite contains benchmarks, you can run these with the --benchand --benchmem flags:

go test -v --bench . --benchmem

Keep in mind that each reviewer will run benchmarks on a different machine, with different specs, so the results from these benchmark tests may vary.

Further information

For more detailed information about the Go track, including how to get help if you're having trouble, please visit the Go language page.



Submitting Incomplete Solutions

It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.

package isogram

import "strings"

func noSpaceorHyphens(s string) string {
	rep := strings.NewReplacer(" ", "", "-", "")
	return rep.Replace(s)

// IsIsogram is a function to check string duplicate
func IsIsogram(input string) bool {
	input = noSpaceorHyphens(input)
	input = strings.ToLower(input)
	temp := map[string]struct{}{}
	for _, r := range input {
		if _, ok := temp[string(r)]; !ok {
			temp[string(r)] = struct{}{}
		} else {
			return false
	return true


  • Use the feature of Map

i, ok := m["route"]

In this statement, the first value (i) is assigned the value stored under the key "route". If that key doesn't exist, i is the value type's zero value (0). The second value (ok) is a bool that is true if the key exists in the map, and false if not.

Last updated

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